Our Services

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 pasture clipping

Hay Y'all

Small acreage hay services


Red clover following removal of a pine thicket the previous fall.

Grass Fed Freezer Beef

Coming Soon - Moo Nom Noms

A.K.A. - Delicious Beef!

Disking and Preparing

Cleaning up a meadow for a food plot

Our Services

General Farm Work

With our tractors and equipment, we can help, much like the neighbors of the past.  From spike aeration to pasture mowing, we can help. 


We cut and sell hay on small acreage properties in our neighborhood.  We use older equipment and roll hay with twine (not wrap).  This allows us to be a little more cost effective, since we aren't trying to cover the cost of expensive new hay equipment.

Yard Help

We have the equipment to do mid size yard jobs.  Removing small trees and brush, stump grinding, small brush clearing, wood chipping, and rough cut mowing.  We often have cedar chips available!


We have farm fresh eggs  (chicken & duck) available at reasonable prices, usually from April to September. 

During the summer months we may also have some garden vegetables or fruit available on a very limited basis.


Coming soon

We will  be taking orders for grass fed freezer beef.

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